Thursday, September 26, 2024

how I did my OWF project


For the OWF project my partner, Pedro, me and got the word ¨RUDE¨. First we did the brainstorming in class in which we decided to make our one word film about a rude guy who closed the elevator´s door to a guy that was in a hurry and when the elevator reached the second floor, he pushed a guy that was going to get out the elevator, but what the rude guy didn´t notice was that his phone fell and when he tried to get the phone out of his pocket once out the elevator he noticed that he didn´t have his phone on him.

For our storyboard we drew how we wanted our shots and below the drawings we wrote an explanation for the scene. The drawings and explanations for the scenes helped us a lot when the time to record the shots came, because we used it to remember the shots that we wanted to take and the order because some shots were in the first floor, some inside the elevator, some in the stairs, and some in the second floor.

For my editing, at first I tried to do it with Premiere Pro with my laptop but I didn´t really understand how to use it so I decided to use an app called CapCut on my phone and I personally found it easier.

What I thought we did well was the angles, the mayority of the shots and the editing but I think we could have done better was some of the shots and the brainstorming.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

 Tuesday, September 3, 2024


For this assignment we were assigned in groups of 2 to tell a story with 15 pictures. They have to be a shot or an angle teached in class.

With my partner we decided to tell the story of a warrior finding his allied very injured at war, after trying to save him, a enemy in good shape shows himself and after a standoff the enemy takes the victory and we see the warrior's lasts moments. We did the shots using chess pieces because they're easy to stand up and they are a good quantity to show the war-corpses.

I think that we did a decent shot selecting the shots and it's order to show how the story should develop.      There are some close-up and extreme close-up shots in the story that aim to show the characters faces and their emotions but because they are chess pieces we had to show their emotions with the shots and angles.  My favorite shot is the over the shoulder shot that shows the standoff between the warrior and the enemy  because I like how the shot focuses on the enemy but aso shows the warrior.

I think that we could have done better is the last picture that shows the last moment of the warrior because it doesn't have a very good quality. I didn't like too much the order of some shots like fourth and fifth.

2nd CCR Question

The second question for the CCR is: How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as areal media text? For thi...